Settings and preferences

Learn how to customize the software to your preferences, enhancing overall experience and comfort.

Project Settings

  • Invalid Location Only: Show only the locations of files that are not accessible.
  • Overwrite Steplist Location: Make linking to steplists from differnt locations possible.


  • UI Scale: Adjust the scale of the user interface.
  • Lock Frames Per Second: Lock the frame rate to the graphics card's capability. This can be checkmarked by default. It saves energy from the GPU, and the fan operates more quietly.
  • Startup Project: Set a project to load when starting Dyvixion.
  • Controls: Customize the controls to your preferences.
  • Tutorial Mode: There is a built-in tutorial mode, useful for screen sharing or training purposes.


  • Hotkeys: All hotkeys can be found here. Using hotkeys will significantly boost your productivity.


  • Machine Connection: Only for connecting a machine to the Dyvixion system. It is possible to visualize errors or events in real-time 3D.


  • Modular Units Location: Set the locations where your modular units are stored. This is very useful for modular systems and machine manufacturers.
  • Add-On: Check out the "Line Configurator" add-on.

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