Effective item selection

To increase speed, it is important to understand the various item selection methods.

There are a few ways to select items

Viewport selection

Select or deselect item with:

  • Left Mouse Button (LMB)
    • add more items to the selection → hold SHIFT + LMB
    • remove items from the selection  → hold CTRL + LMB
  • Drag-window in viewport and hold Middle Mouse Button (MMB)
    • add more items to the selection → hold SHIFT + MMB + drag in viewport
    • remove items from the selection  → hold CTRL + MMB + drag in viewport

Item tree selection

Select an item from the tree with the Left Mouse Button (LMB)

  • add one more item to the selection → hold CTRL + LMB
  • add all items between the last selected → hold SHIFT + LMB
  • remove items from the selection  → hold CTRL + LMB

Additional selecting features

There are some more advanced selection tools to select, edit or manipulate the selection:

  • With the tools in the topbar:
    • add parents to selection
    • select parent
    • deselect parent
    • add children to selection
    • select all highlighted items
    • invert selection
  • From the bill of material (BOM)
    • select the item name(s) in the Bill Of Materials (BOM) list → LMB
    • add one more item(s) to the selection → hold CTRL + LMB
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