Use Item State Highlight Visibility in Dyvixion

An item can have 2 types of item states: highlight and visibility. The item states are saved in the steps.

Item state

An item can have 2 types of item states: highlight and visibility. The item states are saved in the steps. Each step can store the item states.


Highlight an item is useful for 'standing out' and get the attention of the viewer. If there is a description and there is highlighted part in the viewport, then it is very likely that the description has something to tell about that specific part. The highlight also overrides the normal items. In the case of moving parts - for instance - bolts come out of another part, it is clear what is happening and where the action takes place.

Highlights can be controlled in this way:

  • On → add an highlight to the selected part(s)
  • Off → remove highlight from selected part(s)
  • All → does select all parts (hidden and visible) and can be followed to the On or Off function.
  • Auto → when Auto-highlight is enabled the animated items are highlighted when there is a change in position. This auto-functionality is u huge timesaver, because it saved a ton of mouse clicks.


Visibility is used when an item must be no longer visible. Or the opposite.

Visibility can be controlled in this way:

  • On → selected part(s) became visible
  • Off → selected part(s) became invisible
  • All → does select all parts (hidden and visible) and can be followed to the On or Off function.
  • Auto → when Auto-visibility is enabled the animated items became invisible when there is a change in position. The off command is stored at the start of the next step.
This auto-functionality is u huge timesaver, but must be handled with care. Because the visibility-off signal triggered by the auto-function is saved in the next new step, you must be sure the actual step is not selected anymore and you must create a new step. If continuing this flow in the case of making a dis-assembly instruction it speeds up the making of instructions a lot.

Unselected off

Parts or subassemblies can be isolated fast by using the - Unselected off - function.

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