Supported file formats

Discover the 3D file formats supported by Dyvixion's work instruction software.

Supported and recommended:

  • GLB → Graphics Library Binary (.glb)
    • Note: With or without draco compression. Both are fine.
    • Draco on = reduces file size
    • Draco off = viewable with the default Windows 3D viewer and get also 3D thumbnails.
  • glTF2 → Graphics Library Transmission Format (.gltf)
Learn how to export from 3D CAD

Also supported:

  • ParaSolid → Parasolid Text Transmittal (.x_b, .x_t)
    • Note: Loses part names during export

Not officially supported yet:

  • STEP → Standard for the Exchange of Product Data (.step, .stp)
    • Issue: Problems with import scale factor
  • 3MF → 3D Manufacturing Format (.3mf)
  • FBX → Filebox (.fbx)
  • OBJ → Wavefront OBJ (.obj)
  • STL → Stereolithography / Standard Triangle Language (.stl)
  • PLY → Stanford Polygon Library (.ply)
  • DAE → Collada / Digital Asset Exchange (.dae)

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